Managing Director
Managing Director
The act of reading can cultivate a generation of self-aware, rational thinking decision-makers. Reading facilitates the transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next. Through our reading, we are exposed to our forefathers' history, culture, art, literature, inventions, and so on. Future generations can benefit from what we have learned through the same act. To do this, we must learn to love reading and pass on this love to the next generation.
Learning about the world and keeping in touch with friends is made easier by social media. Today's youth, however, spend most of their time on social media. Telecom companies' free internet has lured them into spending a lot of time on it. People have become dependent on their cell phones. People spend a lot of time on their phones, whether they are at home or out. To break free, we must recognize our internet addiction and invest time in reading books.
One of the most common misconceptions among high school and college students is that reading means reading their textbooks. Textbooks should not be the only source of reading. The students should read a wide variety of books to understand society and the world at large. Teachers and parents must emphasize the importance of reading and help children develop reading habits. They should build libraries in their homes and create a conducive reading environment. Today's public entrance exams and competitive exams also emphasize reading beyond textbooks. Therefore, general knowledge beyond textbooks is very important.
Scholars agree on one thing: everyone should develop the habit of reading. All great thinkers and scholars including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Karl Marx, Darwin, and Buddha were avid readers. Their ideas are what the world is debating today. We must read their thoughts if we are to understand them. Ambedkar, the father of our constitution, would be the first to enter the library and the last to leave. Many of our great politicians were also great scholars. Like Francis Bacons says, “reading maketh a full man…”
We want to spread the joy of reading. We want to create great leaders for the future who are well-read and have a strong character. None of this is possible by a single individual.
So, join us!! Together, let’s make a difference in this world!